Welcome to McComb OB-GYN

Opening Hours : Monday-Thursday 8:00am to 5:00pm
  Contact : (601) 684-9116

Gender Scan


McComb OB-GYN offers a gender scan starting at 16 weeks. Although it is difficult to check the gender of the baby at this time, we will provide this service to all pregnant women who want to know as soon as possible; however, we cannot guarantee that we can determine the gender. Being able to determine the gender depends on a variety of factors, including how far along you are in your pregnancy, the size of the baby, the size of the mother, whether you are having a boy or girl, and the position of your baby.

The sonogram is not an x-ray. It uses the same sound wave principle of the sonograms that we have always used.  This sonogram does not replace the 20 week sonogram which is more detailed evaluating your baby’s organs and remains the most sensitive test for detecting birth defects.  The Gender Scan is not used for medical purposes.

The Gender Scan package will include the following:

  • 15 minute sonogram recorded on DVD
  • Gender check only
  • 3 black & white pictures

If we cannot determine gender at the time of the scan, another appointment will be scheduled at no cost.

Call today to schedule your Gender Scan!